Monday, October 5, 2015

Why I chose to study Japanese

Since I am originally from South Korea, which is adjacent country of Japan, I was always interested in Japanese culture. In middle school, I was asked to pick one between Japanese and Chinese classes as a language requirement and I picked Japanese. As I learned the basics, I noticed even though Korean and Japanese have totally different alphabets and pronunciations, they also carry some common parts such as the order of words displayed. This made me fall into Japanese language (I am not quite sure why).
I did not find anything challenging up till now and I actually enjoy to take Japanese class. I guess this is because we are still learning basic stuffs that requires memorization. However, I do worry that when the time comes to memorize Kanji, it will become very difficult.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. かんじはあまり難(むずか)しいじゃありませんです。とてもおもしろいいです:)

    1. Sorry I typed two いs for おもしろい...

  3. わたしもかんこくからきました。And I also think kanji is super hard as we'll be learning traditional, not simplified.

  4. クロエ さん、こんにちわ。
    わたしも にほん すきです。にほんの いちばん すき なものは なんですか。いしょに にほんごお べんきおします。がんばりましょ!

  5. クロエちゃん、おはよう。韓国から来ましたか。おもしろいですね。クロエちゃんは、どうして中国語をならいにがほしいじゃありませんでしたか。そして、今かんじはむずかしいですか。私はかんじがとてもすきです。ときどききれいですよ。
