Self Introduction I’m Yuki Tanaka from Shiga, Japan, 19 years old. I’ve been playing soccer since I was 4 years old, actually my father forced me to play it. When I was high school student grade 3, I went to Australia for 2 weeks. My host family was tremendous, especially my mum. That’s why I went to Australia this summer vacation for 1 month and a bit to study IELTS and TOEFL. Since I was staying Australia, I like football which means rugby in Australia. I went to Aliants stadium three times while I was staying. I’m interested in all kind of sports, things like soccer, tennis, and rugby. What are you major in or study at uniiversity?
こんばんは。Tanakaさん!返事が遅くなってごめんなさい。ここは(New York) 今午前3時です。まだ起きています。今日中間考査があって、数日間よく眠れなかったです。 オーストラリアに行ったなんて羨ましいですね。オーストラリアは私の是非行きたいリストの1つです。私の親しい友人も最近にオーストラリアで結婚しました。すごいでしょ?
Hi, Tanaka san! Sorry for replying back to you late. Here's already 3AM, and I am still awake. I just had a midterm today and I barely got to sleep for the past few days. It is so amazing that you went to Australia. It's one of my dream-to-visit list and one of my close friends just got married in Australia. Cool right? I also studied TOEFL before I came to Columbia University. As an international student, I was required to hand in TOEFL score when applying. Thus I know how painful it is to study TOEFL. It gives so much stress in our lives and also *very* expensive to take. I am majoring in Economics, which I just had midterm today. What about you?
G'day,Chloe. How you going? How was your exam?I hope you had a fantastic score. Yes, I had to make an effort to take TOEFL,and pay ridiculous price by myself. I'm majoring in International Marketing course, this is what I wanted to learn in university. Next March, I'll go to Australia again to see host mum. My dream is to be a Japanese teacher in Aussie
I just finished other two exams and I am extremely happy. I was so stressed out yesterday and did not even eat anything the whole day. You are majoring in Marketing. That's amazing. I was once in Business major as well but now I am majoring in Economics. Japanese teacher in Austraila sounds amazing. I believe you will become what you want to become in the future. 今日、他の試験2つ終わりました。今とても幸せです。昨日すごくストレス受けたんですよ。何にも食べなかったです。マーケティング専攻をしていますか?すごいですね。私もビジネス専攻をしたが、経済に変えました。オーストラリアで日本語の先生ってすごいですね。なんでもご希望通りなると信じています。頑張ってください!
Hi Chloe, congaraturation, why did not you eat anything at all?? Was it caused by stress of the exams? hahahaha What kind of subject did you take? I just want to stay in Australia, teacher is excuse to stay. Have a nice day ご飯は食べたほうが頭の回転がよくなりますよ。わら
Self Introduction
ReplyDeleteI’m Yuki Tanaka from Shiga, Japan, 19 years old. I’ve been playing soccer since I was 4 years old, actually my father forced me to play it. When I was high school student grade 3, I went to Australia for 2 weeks. My host family was tremendous, especially my mum. That’s why I went to Australia this summer vacation for 1 month and a bit to study IELTS and TOEFL. Since I was staying Australia, I like football which means rugby in Australia. I went to Aliants stadium three times while I was staying. I’m interested in all kind of sports, things like soccer, tennis, and rugby.
What are you major in or study at uniiversity?
こんばんは。Tanakaさん!返事が遅くなってごめんなさい。ここは(New York) 今午前3時です。まだ起きています。今日中間考査があって、数日間よく眠れなかったです。
Hi, Tanaka san! Sorry for replying back to you late. Here's already 3AM, and I am still awake. I just had a midterm today and I barely got to sleep for the past few days. It is so amazing that you went to Australia. It's one of my dream-to-visit list and one of my close friends just got married in Australia. Cool right?
I also studied TOEFL before I came to Columbia University. As an international student, I was required to hand in TOEFL score when applying. Thus I know how painful it is to study TOEFL. It gives so much stress in our lives and also *very* expensive to take.
I am majoring in Economics, which I just had midterm today. What about you?
G'day,Chloe. How you going? How was your exam?I hope you had a fantastic score. Yes, I had to make an effort to take TOEFL,and pay ridiculous price by myself. I'm majoring in International Marketing course, this is what I wanted to learn in university.
DeleteNext March, I'll go to Australia again to see host mum. My dream is to be a Japanese teacher in Aussie
I just finished other two exams and I am extremely happy. I was so stressed out yesterday and did not even eat anything the whole day. You are majoring in Marketing. That's amazing. I was once in Business major as well but now I am majoring in Economics. Japanese teacher in Austraila sounds amazing. I believe you will become what you want to become in the future.
Hi Chloe, congaraturation, why did not you eat anything at all?? Was it caused by stress of the exams? hahahaha What kind of subject did you take? I just want to stay in Australia, teacher is excuse to stay. Have a nice day
Hi Chloe, did you get your score of exam? This weekend we will held university festival. Do you have one?
チャンさんのにほんごは、とてもいいですよ。かんこくごと、にほんごは、とてもにています(simialr)ですね。わたしもかんこくごをべんきょうしたいです( i want to)。
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